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Credit Scores & Credit Report Resources

Your credit score and credit report provides your risk factors to lenders, insurance companies, employers, and landlords. It only makes sense to assess ones creditworthiness when needing loan or insurance. How responsible you are with your debts determines your credit score. The higher your credit scores the better rates and terms you will receive. The following according to Fair Isaac are what determines your credit score.


Resources about credit scores and credit reports

Typically when applying for a mortgage a bank will look at all three credit bureau scores. There is a score with Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. You will find that they all are different. Banks will take the average middle credit score and use that score in the approval process. Most banks use the FICO score to determine an approval. Each credit bureau score will be different because the information being reported to each credit bureau will differ.

Why Credit Scores are different

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